Unlimited Info Pages
Basic SEO
Free SSL
30 Days Delivery
Responsive Design
10 Design Choices
Phone, Email And Chat Support
10 Free Modules
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1. Enquiry Module
In today's time, clients want their questions to be answered first before they give more details about themselves to the service provider. In such cases asking for the name, email and their requirement is a good enough set of information that will help the buyer to put his point forward officially.
If the person is surfing and checking the site on the phone, it omits the possibility of the buyer contacting him via phone or email and can instantly send the information to the website owner.
2. Business Opportunity Module
This module facilitates tie-ups among competitive and competiting business houses.
It won't cost you to put it up but not having it just may.
3. Career Module
Instead of looking for Hr recruitment agencies to fulfill an empty spot in your office , place your requirement on your site itself. You may just getting the right person and also save some money.
It can help you to save extra expenses and effort.
4. Announcements Module
The news module or what we also call as the announcements module helps visitors to know the latest happenings of the organization via a daily/weekly or monthly posting. This module does not display political or sports news but its your notice board for the visitors.
It has a dedicated space on the home page and can draw attention from the visitor instantly.
5. Testimonials Module
The testimonials module is a necessarily for mostly all businesses. This is one place that will get the website owner instant credibility. When a visitor comes to the site and sees what existing client have to say about the service, it makes him feel confident in giving the job to this company.
This can have a dedicated space on the homepage thus getting more readability.
6. Chat Module
If you have an office that is running 24/7 you can have this module on your site. it will help people to directly interact with someone from your office LIVE.
This makes the visitors surfing experience smooth without any hurdles because their is someone always to help him/her immediately.
thewebdoctor.firm.in (See on a bottom right.)
7. Gallery Module
This module helps the owner of the site ideally someone who wants or can show their work through the medium of photograph.
Pictures speak louder than words.
8. NewsLetter Module
Newsletter marketing is the practice by which companies collect email ids from prospective and existing customers who wish to subscribe to periodic newsletters which are letters sent as informational and product-focused content via an email.
This helps in a marketing.
9. Refer a Friend Module
This module encourages more referrals to the owner of the site through well wishers.
Now a days 90% of the businesses run through referrals and word of mouth publicity.
10. Animated Banner Module
This is one place which makes the website more appealing.
This banner is an animated banner and makes the site an "attitude of its own".